
We're increasing our prices

We started Loyal in 2014 to offer alternative employment to women trapped in sexual slavery in Kolkata – as someone who has purchased products from us you have contributed valuably to this important mission.

Today, when we see the difference that dignified employment and a loving community has made in our 16 artisans’ lives, we are assured that we’re on the right track.
Still, there are plenty of women who want to experience freedom and we’re committed to seeing that change in our neighbourhood. We know you are too!

As you’re well aware, since 2020 the economic climate has changed significantly. Rising costs and inflation have meant that our profit margins have been significantly eroded. 

Since we began the business 9 years ago, we haven't increased our prices. Today we're making some adjustments to reflect the present situation. This is not a decision we take lightly. It's a decision that will allow us to continue to grow the business so that we can employ more women. 

We hope you understand the need to increase our prices and that you continue to support our important mission. Thank you for your continued support.

Buy Loyal, Fight Slavery! 

Joel - Sales and Marketing Manager