
A Freedom Business Begins

The Loyal Workshop is taking shape. We came to Kolkata with a reckless dream of offering women trapped in the sex-trade a new choice of freedom through new work opportunities. 3 years later we are starting to see humble beginnings.

We’ve learnt a lot from Freedom Businesses like Freeset (freesetglobal.com), Love Calcutta Arts (lovecalcuttaarts.com) and Sari Bari (saribari.com) and we’ve walked the lanes of the Bow Bazar red light area for about 2 years building relationships and trust in the community. Maybe we could have a go at starting a new freedom business.

With the help of fellow New Zealander’s Harry and Mandy Croucher, we’ve found a viable business. So now we’re searching for a place for our workshop and starting to tell our new friends in the red light area that we’re setting up a business in their neighbourhood, just for them and their freedom. It’s been a long time coming and it’s still slowly taking shape, but we’re getting closer now, much closer. Good things take time, and I got a feeling this is going to be good.